Wake up & work Hard Wake up early and attack the day Motivational Speech |
Wake up & work Hard
Wake up early and attack the day Motivational Speech:-
When challenges and issues come to back to back to back, and it looks like "Something is after me, something is attacking me.
Something is attacking my journey." i want you to seem at that sickness that's happening in your life immediately , whatever it's .
I would like you to mention I can beat it. I are often it, i will be able to beat it, I must, I got a family to measure for, I ain't through yet, my life ain't over yet.
That's some things in life, you do not need no degree for it, you will need no money for it, you do not need more support for it, there's some things in life you only gonna get through once you tell yourself, I'm gonna get through this.
Wake up & work Hard
Take hold of your mind, or specifically you bought to feed and strengthen the mind.
The mine is a stimulating place. Isn't it?
I mean, fear can take us over uncertainty quite unleashes of these thoughts that make us start to believe fairly often that things will always be bad, that we'll never be ready to turn it around otherwise you do not have the potential .
It's just the character of these inner voices that everyone feels at time.
You only need to start with the hope Faith is that the subtance of things that you're hopeful There what happend in through grace in favor.
He offer you a few of them belongings you hopeful then you're alleged to start believing then because now it turns into faith.
But if you're taking the scripture Faith is that the subtance of the items hopeful and therefore the evidence of things not seen, it isn't the neatest people that were achieved success.
Wake up & work Hard
It is the people that procrastinate less We all under go adversity . We all under go depression. We all undergo doubt then moments in your life where it's really difficult.
That's what causes you to present those difficult moments build your character. Show me an excellent man. that is what we're saying.
These kids that are born billionaires, you're never getting to be a self-made person.
You've got a backup trust for your backup trust for your trust. Feel the fear. roll in the any way.
You see your mind is stronger than your body.
And if program your mind and always fo another round, to always push past what you perceive is your limit. to offer quite anyone else would ever expect from you... sooner or later your body will realize,
"This guy won't lull , so I'm just getting to need to GROW with him." Your muscles within the gym, AND IN LIFE can ONLY grow with resistance with STRUGGLE and by PUSHING the bounds .
By EXPANDING expectations putting a touch more weight on the bar whenever Going a touch further whenever . Pushing a touch harder whenever . that is what separates the typical and therefore the great.
Wake up & work Hard
You've got to observe something so big that it drives you to awaken when you do not want to.
It keeps you up in the dark when you long been sleepy, it causes you to show up, do belongings you wouldn't normally do.
It requires extra what percentage of you made the decision to not do something Because it had been hard Raise your hands, please.
• Are you too tired?
• Didn't get enough sleep?
• Do not have enough energy?
• Is that what's stopping you right now?
• Do not have enough money?
• Is that the thing?
• Or is that the thing that's stopping you you?Wake up & work Hard
As you go toward the longer term , begin to understand that you simply have greatness within you, and if only one of you here.
Begin to see yourselves as being blessed and
highly favored to succeed in your goals.
If only one of you capture the essence of what meaning , that you simply have greatness within you and responsibility to manifest that greatness.
Hear me, man. you've got an excellent life ahead of, but your great life is ahead of you it isn't behind you .
What you probably did back there ain't got nothing to try to to with what God got for you.
What you probably did back there was learn the teachings to urge you to where you're at this particular moment right here. Wake up & work Hard
For tons of you, albe it you made it up Capitol Hill , you carry the luggage of rejection with you, but you're here As Daniel pink said, people fail to realize mastery.
Not because they are not talented or because they are not disciplined problems are always an indicator hat you are making progress .
The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge I'm thankful to get on this a part of the earth .
I'm thankful to ascertain another day no things aren't what I wanted them to be. No, i do not have all the items i would like to possess , but I'm thankful that .
I'm still here If you think in yourself the planet will believe you because perception is reality. How long are you getting to complain about what you do not have .Wake up & work Hard
How long are you getting to complain about who didn't roll in the hay and who didn't lookout of you and who didn't call you and who do not like you and what they said and what they think who cares.
What they think who cares what they said this is often not about them this is often about me. - Well we all are in the
business of story telling.
I mean it isn't just exclusive for people like me who are within the entertainment business.
I feel that, no matterwhat business you're in, regardless of what you're selling or doing.
Why is it certain businesses can hover above their competition?Wake up & work Hard
I mean is Starbucks really serving the simplest
cup of coffee?.
Maybe not. I mean, i prefer a Caramel Macchiato myself. But is American Express really the simplest returnrate on a credit card?
Hmm, probably not. But it is the story they manage to inform . and that i think that the morethat we expect that , the more that we.
Sometimes we see commercials, and that we see stuff and wejust go, it is a close up .
But somehow, those people that manage to in form a story, manage to even temporarily move us during a certain way, that we remember.
We do not desire we're being sold, we desire we're being told something that we will hook up with . Wake up & work Hard
So I've always beendriven by that very idea, that very notion. - Can we help us appreciatethis early experience, these lean years, thesevery difficult years leading up to the last word prize. - there's no prize, out there. the sole prize is that this one, and what you are feeling , and whatyou want to accomplish.
And if you'll , as you begin out, these what might be leanyears or might be fat years.
I feel that I very oftenwatch tons of children kind of meander around with none idea about why they're doingwhat they're doing.
I mean, to require and to be ambitious, and to require to
achieve success , isn't enough.
Wake up & work Hard
That's just desire. to understand what you would like , to know why you're doing it, to dedicate every breath in your body to realize.
If you are feeling you've got something to offer , if you are feeling that your particular talent is worth developing, is worth caring for, then there's nothing you can'
Wake up & work Hard
Thanks for watching and that i will see you guys with in the next Blog .