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The Billion dollars Mindset / DiscoverThe Power' Of mind Flow state.. |
The Billion dollars Mindset / Discover The Power' Of mind Flow state.
It's adore , how does one build flow into your life?Because we're talking about states north of happy. A flow state may be a state of consciousness during which you are feeling your best and you perform your best, it's as simple as that.Everything's amazing and performance levels go through the roof.
It's characterized by the acronym STER, the features of flow,it stands for selflessness, which your sense of self completely vanishes,and that means the inner chatter, what they call the inner Allen ,it's the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, it's liable for self editing,it's the inner critic, that really gets knocked offline.
So you experience that as a way of selflessness, of losing yourself and finding yourself,and that's experienced as liberation because you're here and you're now and there is no inner chatter.
So that is the S from STER.Then T, timelessness. The way the time is ordered within the brain gets knocked offline too. So time passes by quite strangely, it can speed up, it can hamper , it can get warped,time becomes relative in an “Einsteinian”, sense.
So selflessness, timelessness, there is a sense of effortlessness, you do not feel the labor when you're in flow,whether you're playing jazz or whether you're cycling down a mountain,it doesn't desire you're putting tons of labor into it,it's a bit like you're watching yourself roll in the hay and it's justevery move follows subsequent move perfectly well. and eventually richness.
The sense that there is more information access, you're accessing more information, you're seeing more data, heuristic increases, pattern recognition increases, risk taking increases and performance levels increase when you're in flow. So all these things is occurring at an equivalent time,essentially it is the ideal human state.
people that have regular access to flow like professional surfers or people that organize their lives around flowreport the very best levels of life satisfaction that exist.So this is often not about, “oh, how can we find happiness?”It's adore how do you build flow into your life?Because we're talking about states north of happy, beyond happiness.
And so on behalf of me , there are universal flow triggers and there are specific flow triggers for specific personalities and temperaments and certain predispositions. and that i suppose a musician finds flow when he plays music, a golfer finds flow when he plays golf, a mountain biker… i might say experiment, try different hobbies, learn a special language.
Universal flow triggers tend to incorporate novelty and a touch little bit of risk. Not such a lot risk that you simply shut downand not insufficient risk that you're bored or disengaged, flow follows focus
.It's also good to know flow cycles. you cannot flow all the time because it's cognitively expensive. there is a lot of neurochemistry happening,again, it's norepinephrine, it's dopamine, it's of these different, this cocktail of chemicals, and these get depletedand you've got to possess good sleep, it’s crucial for flow,if you are not getting good sleep, you are not getting to get any flow,sleep is incredibly restorative,
I treat my sleep sort of a religion,getting to bed, getting my eight hours is crucial, i can not get on stage, i can not do an interview if I'm not sleeping well i can not manage the planet , I lack the resourcesto affect things, so sleep is large .
So when you're therein presentand that unencumbered sense of first sight, everything is new again,including the ideas that are emerging in your brainor the perceptions that you're having, you become what you behold, you notice where you're , you stop and smell the roses, you see the planet during a grain of sand, you see heaven during a wild flower, you hold infinity within the palm of your hand, you hold eternity in an hour.
And so whether it's playing jazz, whether it's freestyle rap,whether it's writing, whether it's dancing, you're so present, you're so free from the tyranny of later and before that what happens now becomes infinite man.When you're therein stage, you're mad to measure , mad to speak , mad to be saved,your desirous of everything at an equivalent time, you never yawn or say a commonplace thing,you burn, burn, burn like yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the sky. And within the book, “Stealing Fire”, Wheal and Kotler mention what they call the altered states economy.
The Billion of dollars a year that folks spend to ascertain people in altered states, to ascertain people within the present and within the forever box. Whether it's getting to a concert to ascertain jazz musicians lose themselves therein ecstatic magic that they create with their music or whether it's theater, whether it's watching a gymnast do flips within the air or getting to watch sports events.
We pay money, we pay money to ascertain people within the forever box because we've theory of mind,we can infer mental states, we will read other minds,we can reflect other minds then sometimes watching is enough to urge a taste of it, experience it vicariously.
And since many folks do not have access thereto amount of flow on a daily basis, we pay money to observe the elite athletes or artists who have built their lives around it do itand in beholding it, we become it for a flash and we spend a billion dollars plus a year to urge access to those states. citizenry sleep in a far better time nowthan they've ever lived altogether of human history by an element ofI do not know what proportion and yet if it bleeds, it leads on the news.
The media is incentivized to hack our attention, our attention responds to fear due to the amygdala that we've inherited from the foremost nervous humans within the pastthat were the quickest ones to run faraway from the predators,and so we've a predisposition towards anxiety and hyper vigilance.
And again, the matter thereupon is that then the motivation of attention hacking of a media enterprise that works due to advertising business model is that there's mechanisms that again have incentive to feed us negative news, which warps our perception of reality, which makes us feel a sort of existential bummer on each day to day basis that the planet goes to shit, that we will not do anything about itand so we'd also either hide and take refugeor sleep in what Jamie Weald calls 21st century normal,which is that this fibrillating nervous system that's constantly oscillatingbetween anxiety and depression. What we'd like is more fucking flow.Csikszentmihalyi, who wrote the book,
“Beyond Boredom and Anxiety”,was the guy that first popularized the notion of flow,the state of consciousness in which you are feeling your bestand you perform your best, a state of consciousness during which you lose your sense of self, you lose your sense of your time , you lose all sense of effort, and you're essentially during a bliss .
Selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness and knowledge richness.Performance levels undergo the roof, the inner chatter goes quiet, you experience this as liberation, you step into the eternal now, the forever box, and you are the surfer within the wave, you are the jazzman within the zone, you are the writer who is like fucking having the flow undergo him, and regardless of what your particular flow trigger isyou answer the planet better, you are feeling more presentand you are feeling such as you have more agency to form a dent within the universe.
So what we actually need is to find out ways of organizing people's livesso that they need more regular access to flow on a sort of day to day i might hope.So albeit flow is temporary or maybe if, “awe” may be a transitory, enchanted moment, it does leave you with increased feelings of well-being, increased feelings of compassion and increased feelings of creativity, to not mention that neuro-physiologically,the experience of, “awe”, is an antiinflammatory experience too.So having regular access to the present primes our systema nervosum to be better citizens,more compassionate, more creative beings.
So what we're talking about hereis improving the human condition fundamentally......
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