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Billionaire Dan pena's unlimited advice for Student & Young people |
Billionaire Dan pena's unlimited advice for Student & Young people :-
Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.
Unless you would like average, in America married two point four kidswith one and a half dogs But .
I can guarantee you you'll never achieve anythinggreater than your highest aspiration.
If you would like 1,000,000 you'll make a million not a $1.5 million.
If you would like $10 million, a $100 million and you will never exceed that. If you modify a billion lives, that is the formula to becomea billionaire and alter the planet .
Time costs lives. Show me your friendsand I'll show you your future. you would like to understand why you're all f***** up?
Just check out the bumsyou lollygag around with.
I do what you do not want to try to to that you simply know that you've got got todo to be where you would like to be.
Ted Turner just gave his 75th anniversary party on CNN a couple of months ago and he has, he makes a few of comments and he says favorite , and i am not suggesting this for everyone , it's how I lived though.
The primary 10 years of my starting CNN, I slept on my couch,I did not have an apartment.
Gates slept with in the office, Steve Jobs slept within the office and that i can go down an entire list.
Now these are super successful mega-wealthy guys. I slept in my office, nobody is willingto make that sacrifice.
But it isn't the sole thing but albeit you don'twant to sleep in your office, if you would like to sendyour kids to a far better school,
If you would like to be ready to lookout of your mother when she gets dementia, if you would like to...this all takes money.
When I... my children aren't getting any of my money once I die. Not not one centavo, not one penny. And...
Two of my kids are cool with it, one among them isn't so cool with it.
I'm not getting to you recognize ,I think Carnegie by the way, Carnegie arguably the richest most successful entrepreneur of all time .
He said, the simplest thingthat you'll have for a order is him to change state into poverty. and that i agree.
Lack of self-esteem, lack of self-worth.
Now they think they need self-worth, they think because they made a couple of bucks but really.
And once they measure it againstthe other 8, 10, 12 people sitting round the table they realize or they begin the question "Hell, maybe i used to be just lucky."
Now all folks , when you're only a one-trick guy or gal think, "Was I lucky?"
Now I've done it so many times, i do know I wasn't lucky i'd are lucky the primary time but i have never been lucky the 15, 20, 40, 50, - i do know that.-
Okay But maybe i used to be lucky the primary time. My life changed once I went,I was a reasonably much... a haphazard kid came tons of trouble, got arrested 4 or 5 times, thrown in jail and this was with my dad as a cop. .
On the other hand I went, I voluntee red for the draft in 1966 at the peak of the Vietnam War .
And that i visited OC Sand that changed my life because it had been the really first real high performance thing that I could measure myself against, with people .
Two-thirds of all Fortune 500 CEOshave one thing in common - military background.- Really Two-thirds of these two-third shave something else Martial Arts.
What does one learn in martial arts Brian?
Discipline, focus.
Tons of individuals don't believe they need to be there I convinced them and that we have these drills,why you belong there?
Tons of individuals that come there, you recognize with money that have made money think they made it accidentally .
I just had one among my super starswhose made 100 million bucks tell me within the last week,
"You know, I'm unsure I'm going tohave another lucky accident." and that i said, "You did it." I mean, you know,you tried tons of things.
Edison , I would,I wouldn't have done it 10,000 times. I would've hired an engineer from MIT to try to to it.
But I mean, I've tried tons of things nobody's failed at more things than I even have and therefore the first 100 million are successes.
But I could write a book about failures that'd be I mean because I've trieda lot of various things because failure.
Is simply testing and one among the reasonsI've been so successful in generating this equityand value in my kids -and I call you all kids- is because .
I convinced themthat making an error is okay. Your parents probably told you you'll be anything you would like , but you cannot .
That's ***. You can't. If it's all just a posed So but what you tell them is that you simply can do anything you wantthat you've got passion for.
Because that eliminates most of the crap because most people don't follow their dream, you know, like they sayin the sound of music.
"You can't have a dream come true unless you've got a dream" Now I still dream, I dream in technicolor, I say my affirmations and goals every single night.
It's bloody hard to be a high-performance person. Perfection equals paralysis.
If you left it to the engineers, no car would evercome off the production line .
No car would ever come off the production line and i have been in business with enough engineers that I can tell attest to that with my hand on my heart.
They'd still be... Trying to form it better and therefore the internet businessis considerably an equivalent .
The web kids wantto test and test and test and that they will wantthe landing page to be this Just roll it out, the good thing about the internetis your results are instantaneous.
If something that I'm overseeingat a Concorde level 60,000 feet doesn't add two days ditch it advance .
And today I had our meeting now the young kids are, "We ran it three days sir,and we closed it down." and that they are thinking .
I'm getting to ask why I said, "No, that's fine next" Because without them making mistakes, and without them being allowed to make the decision.
They never get any better and 95% of the time I know probably better than they are doing , We're never getting to be able to understand everything .
Or have them know everythin gun less they create some mistakes and obtain comfortable with making mistakes.
What gets measured gets accomplished. Without measurement you're just fooling yourself.
Before I had any money I wont to attend the Rolls Royce dealersand sit within the cars and smell the leather touch the leather.
Okay I visited million dollar houses and my wife and Iwould rehearse the house and they'd say,
"When areyour parents getting here kids?" "No, we are the buyers."
Practice within when you're without. Practice being successful. what percentage people taking note of this today practice being successful today.
Through affirmations, through getting to the Rolls Royce dealer.
Maybe Lamborghini, maybe something else. In my particular case it had been Rolls Royce.
And within a year of me getting to a Rolls Royce dealer, I had a Rolls Okay Within...
19 months of me dreaming and... adding it to my goalsa castle on an island, I owned Guthrie castle. - 19 months- Okay attend stores you cannot afford.
Go hire lawyers, you cannot afford. Lawyers will meet with anybody, accountants will meet with anybody. attend the large four accountants.
With a business idea, the primary couple meetings are for free of charge .
Jettison, probably tons ofthe people you lollygag around with. If you've got poor speech making skills join Toastmasters.
Do these. If you go, if you visited an honest school and you are not successful ,go to the alumni deals .
Okay I didn't attend an honest school,I'm an ideal living example that tons of trouble as a child , working-class background,
My parents, visited just a mediocre university that I flunked out of 3 times beforeI finally graduated with honors, but... and that i had no money to start with, $820 So it's all possible But I, you know,
I devoted myself to feeling successful. i used to be wearing suits like this,before I could afford them. most of the people procrastinate because they're unsure.
So just roll in the hay . And, but I've never hada problem just doing it because one among the thingsyou learn as a young combat, infantry officer is time cost lives.
We over analyze because we're unsure, we're not- over analyze, we do not over analyse because we aren't sure.
If it'll work or not, we're more worried about on the emotional side it embarrassing us.
Thanks for watching and that i will see you guys with in the next Blog .