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Mindset The psychology of success by - Carol Dweck (American psychologist ) |
Mindset The psychology of success by - Carol Dweck
• So, for many of my childhood, i exploit to lookat all of those great people, and that i use to think that these guys are born genius, and .
I am pretty sure that many you think that an equivalent , and a few of you'll check out these greatpeople then at his current situation and doubtless getting to say, i will be able to never be likethese people,
These guys are born geniuses. But we frequently forget that we've already masteredthe most difficult tasks of lifetime, learning to steer and talk, If you check out babies,
Theynever decide it’s too hard or not well worth the effort, they don’t worry about makingmistakes or humiliating themselves, they walk, they fall, they rise up again and that they keepdoing it until they create it.
So, a number of us continue learning therein way butmost folks , Once we grow bit and find out how to guage our selves we start beingafraid of challenges or not being smart So, here are some ideas from the book thatI really find helpful. Successful people learnUnsuccessful people attempt to prove themselves.
What most of the people attempt to Do is that they alwaystry to convince folks that they're right, I mean every argument they are going into, they mustmake sure that they're right even thought that they're not, then once they startloosing the argument, they need to justify themselves in anyway, like one among my friendssays i'm right not due to what ,
I say but because i'm so then , that’s the mindsetof unsuccessful people. But what the successful person goes tosay “I don’t need to prove my self to anyone,I just got to keep learning” I mean I can learn from anyone and that i are often wrong.
It doesnot matter, I still can learn Successful people keep getting smarterUnsuccessful people pretend to be smart. this is often one among my favorites, so during the class, what happen to most of the scholars if they don’t understand something, theykeep quite because they don’t want to seem dump,
I mean they need this type of mentality,“ If I ask something, people are getting to know that I didn't understand, thereforethey are getting to think that i'm dump,” it's going to sound weird but that’s most people do.
But the successful people don’t waste timepretending to be smart, they know that, nobody is born smart or genius and other people getsmarter by learning, in order that they are presumably are getting to ask if they don’t understand something,
Successful people search for challenges to improve themselves, unsuccessful people search for weak to showof themselves. So,“They offered four-year-olds a choice: they might redo a simple puzzle or they might trya harder one. Children those that believed in fixed traits—stuck with the safe one.
They said that - Kids who are born smart “don’t do mistakes,” On the opposite side, Children who believed youcould get smarter—thought it had been a wierd choice.
They said things like, Why would anyonewant to stay doing an equivalent think and over? So, They chose harder one. you would possibly be also saying an equivalent thing, butmost folks are with fixed mindset,
I mean, if we are comfortable to try to to something in acertain way, we are getting to stick with it for the remainder of our life, and if we ever try something new, the instant we start facing challenges, we are like oh that’s not on behalf of me
,We cant even spend 20 minutes each day to read a book to remain mentally stableand then we invite some quite little trick on the way to achieve success . so these are my favorite ideas from the bookmindset by carol dweck.
Carol S. Dweck :- Quotes
• “He didn't ask for mistake-free games. ..
• “Becoming is better than being” ..
• “We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us...
• “no matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment ...
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