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Jack ma's ( succes Story ) unlimited advice for students & young people ( I wise I knew this 20 years ago ) |
Jack ma's ( succes Story ) unlimited advice for students & young people ( I wise I knew this 20 years ago )
• My advice to the children 25 years old, make enough mistakes, don't be concerned You fall you get up .You fall, you get up Enjoy it, I mean, 25 years olden joy the show, enjoy the show.
From 30 to 40 years old, you've got to think very clearly Were you working for yourself if you actually want to be entrepreneur. So 40 to 50 believe , how are you able to specialise in things that you're good at But once you are 50 to 60 years old work for the children because children can do better than you.
So believe them, invest on them making sure they're good. So 25 years old don't be concerned Any mistake is an income,is a wonderful revenue for you. within the future, it isn't about the competition of data .
• It is the competition of creativity, it is a competition of imagination, it is a competition of learning, it is a competition of independent thinking. If you think that sort of a machine the problem will come.
Within the past 20 years,we make people sort of a machine within the next 20 years,machines will appear as if people.
So within the future it's not knowledge driven, it is the wisdom driven, it is the experience driven. within the past it is the knowledge driven and it is the manufacturing driven and within the future it's the creativity driven.
• I feel next 30 years the world goes to vary tons . The new technology goes to change every aspect of the planet So this is often what we think the world should be that specialize in not only the IQ, EQ but also specialise in LQ the Q of affection.
. Because only you care for the others, only you look after the others that succeed and are more successful than you're you've got the prospect . 10 years ago internet was so good when nobody believed internet was so good.
Now internet is so tough because all the smart people attend internet. So you ought to attend the off ground
• I fail for... Funny things like I failed ina key grade school test for 2 times and that i failed like 3 times for the secondary school , middle schools. No i attempted , there's an examination that young people if you would like to travel university you've got to require , take the examinations. So I failed 3 times .
Once I graduated from university, and before I, you know, for 3 years I tried and failed within the universities. So I apply for jobs for 30 times, got rejected. I went for police,they say “No, you’re not good”
• I visited even the KFC, when KFC came to China, come to our city - You applied?- 24 people went for the work 23 people were accepted,I was the sole guy. and that we went for the police,5 people, 4 of them accepted. i used to be the sole guy they are not receiving.
So to me, being turned down, rejected Oh, by the way, I told you that I applied for Harvard for 10 times, rejected. I learned so much about the Hollywood movies especially the- Forrest Gump - you're keen on Forrest Gump?- i really like Forrest Gump. Why does one like him? Simple. Never hand over .
People- people thinking he's dumb but he knows what he's doing. and that i was very depressed the day... the year 2002 or 2003 within the States i used to be very depressed once I could not find out how for the web then.
• I watch the movie in my friend's home Forrest Gump once I see him i feel , "This the guy we should always learn from."
Believe what you're doing. like it whether people like itor do not like it, be simple. And just like the words,"Life is sort of a box of chocolates" you never know what you'll get, right?
I never knew I would be here lecture you, I never know. But today I made it. I told my people in my apartment 18, 15 years ago "Guys we've to figure hard not for ourselves, if we will achieve success 80% of the young peoplein China are often successful.
We do not have an upscale father, a strong uncle,we don't get one dollar from bank, one cent from government.
• Just work as a team. I worry about it today, young people,a lot of children lose hope, lose vision and begin to complain.
We even have an equivalent problem,when I got... it isn't an honest feeling being rejected by numerous people We also depressed but a minimum of later we discover .
That the planet features a lot of opportunities. How you see the world? How you catch the opportunity? So... and Hollywood gives me tons of inspiration..
• I, at the start I never thought... i assumed once I was young I said, "Everything is possible". Now i do know not everything is feasible .
Once you have something you need to believe you've got to think about about the others,you have to think about about the customer, society, your employees, the shareholders.
There are numerous things that i feel if you continue to exerting there's... there's possibility. It's not... if you do not roll in the hay nothing is feasible . If you are trying to try to to it at least you've got the hope.
Calm down, there's always how out. And keep yourself balanced. And meanwhile, don't attempt to ... because business may be a .
• Competition is fun. Business isn't a battlefield,you die or I win Business... albeit you die i'll not win right?
So it's about, it's about fun. - Yeah,- Tell them the story, and tell them that if Jack... i do not think during this world tons of people be rejected quite 30 times .
If we, you know,the only thing we never hand over , the sole thing like,we’re like Forrest Gump. We keep it up fighting,we keep it up changing ourself. We don’t complain. Whether you are successful or not successful.
• I find that when people,when they finish the work , if they create an error and that they fail, if they always complained to others, this guy will never come .
If the guy only check himself, Yeah. Something wrong with me here,something wrong with me there. This guy has hope.
• Mumero us people I talked toat that point for Ali Pay, they assert "this is that the stupidest idea you have ever got.
" But I say, "I don't care if it's stupi dor clever as long as people use it" Now we've 800 million people using this Ali Pay. 1999, year 2000 and even at the Yahoo time tons of individuals say,
"This Jack is crazy. He's- he's doing something that we do not understand." And tons of venture capitals give you money because there's sucha American model already there.
But they assert , Alibaba we don't see this type of model, right? - they assert Jack's crazy- yeah this is often crazy guy .
• I mean I remember my first time in Time magazine they call me crazy Jack and that i , i feel crazy is sweet we are crazy but we're not stupid. we all know what we do but if everybody accept as true with me,if everybody believed my- our idea is sweet we've no chance. So that's... the cash we raised,we're very thankful.
So, when our investors make tons of cash , I feel proud and hono red. Everybody is formed unique and different so you want to have a unique and different way. tons of individuals today have tons of complaints say,
• "I do not have opportunity." I complained tons once I was young And suddenly I realized complaining doesn't solve any problem where the chance always in the place where people complain there are numerous , if there are numerous opportunities within the world during this world because there are so many complaints.
If you'll solve the complaint,one of the complaints that’s the chance so this is often what we- we made i feel young people if my advice is to be an entrepreneur do not be frightened of failure, of setbacks and do not hand over.
Once we start the business, we had 18 founders including me 17 of them, most of them my students and most of them... Well, today people think,these 18 people, the neatest people in China we do not think we were smart.
• Honestly, we all graduate from the very poor schools. the sole thing we did we were very united,we all believed within the future, we are all optimistic, and that we learn through mistakes, we never hand over .
If you graduate from famous university please, respect the people that graduate from the poor schools. Those people like us graduate from poor universities please respect yourself. we've chance we came today to...now We made numerous mistakes people say, "You are lucky"
• Yes, we are very lucky. We took only 19 years to today's size But we've gone through so many tough situations. We made numerous mistakes that folks cannot even imagine. In probably 19 years, you've got gone through numerous tough experiences which will cause you to different.
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